*Volunteers Needed* @ Tucson Meet Yourself: Our Food Booth October 12, 13, 14, 2018
Thursday, October 11: Load truck, transport, unload and set-up.
Friday, October 12: Prepare, cook, serve food. From : 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Saturday, October 13: Prepare, cook, serve food. From 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday, October 14: Prepare, cook, serve food. From: : 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Sunday, October 14: Tear-down, load truck, transport, and unload.
Our biggest fund-raising event of the year is coming up soon and we ask for your help at our Thai Food Booth. We will serve about 8,000 people at our booth at Tucson Meet Yourself. It takes all of us working together to move and set-up the booth not to mention preparing, cooking, serving, and selling delicious Thai food. Sign-ups are for 3-hour shifts.
We may have a cooking instruction and practice to learn to wrap egg rolls, make Pad Thai and cook chicken sticks and fried bananas. Stay tuned for this.
We will be loading and transporting the booth, tables, cooking utensils, refrigerator, propane tanks and tents on Thursday, Oct. 11. Then we setup the booth and our kitchen. For this, we need people who can do heavy lifting. The more people we have, the faster it goes.
Please sign-up for the days and times you can help. You may sign-up for more than one shift, the more the better! If you have questions call or email the Wat(Temple), 520-745-4624, Cell:520-203-6593, watbuddhametta.tucson@gmail.com. On Sunday we serve food until 6:00 p.m. and then we tear it all down and transport everything back to the Temple. We especially need people who can do heavy lifting for Set-Up (Thursday) and Break-Down (Sunday)
It takes all of us to make our community at Wat Buddhametta. Support your Temple, love your Temple, by supporting our fund-raising.
Ajahn Sarayut Arnanta,
Abbot of Wat Buddhametta